Arnold Schwarzenegger Critique Men’s Physique Shorts as ‘Bogus’
The Arnold 2025 was deemed to be a critical start to the year ahead in bodybuilding, as Derek Lunsford claimed the top prize in the Men’s Open to signal that he is now a revived threat to current Mr Olympia, Samson Dauda. Still, there was one issue that The Terminator star took with the show, and he wasn’t shy about wanting to see more leg.
Famously, attire for the Men’s Physique division differs from other ranks, because the competitors are required to wear board shorts as they pose on stage. The Men’s Physique group made it’s Arnold Classic debut when it was won by Sadik Hadzovic in 2015, but it seems that while the “Last Action Hero” is a fan of the athletes, he’s less enthused about their wardrobes.
“The interesting thing is they also have really well-developed thighs — a lot of these guys — so I don’t know why they make them wear those long shorts,” critiqued The Commando star. “For me, that’s bogus,” he added. This year, the grouping’s top trophy was grabbed by Ali Bilal.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Would Like the Men’s Physique to Display More Leg
While the annual Arnold bodybuilding extravaganza is held under his own name, he explained that his powers do not extend to rule changes. “It’s (an IFBB) thing,” he commentated. “If it was my choice, I’d say put regular bathing suits on so you can see the thighs also.”
While some critics argue that the board shorts are there because there’s less point scoring emphasis placed on the legs, actual judges like Bob Chicherillo have argued that the shorts are becoming less necessary, because the increasingly tight fit of the shorts is making them irrelevant.
So, what do the athletes think about the idea of swapping the shorts for trunks? “As the division has evolved, you can see it’s gotten bigger and bigger. Men are showing their legs more,” was the opinion of 2-time Olympia Men’s Physique champion in an interview with this writer back in 2023. “The shorts aren’t as baggy—they’re a lot tighter on the legs, so they show that. Personally, I would look to have them even shorter or trunks or something like that,” he concluded. On the flip side, Terry pointed out that the board shorts are a unique identifier of the Men’s Physique division brand.
Whether or not the Men’s Physique division’s wardrobe evolves further remains to be seen, but board shorts or not, it’s a grouping that is just as impressive and competitive as any other on the bodybuilding circuit.
from Muscle & Fitness
via beheathandwellsness
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